7 Questions Bearded Dragon Owners Ask About Dubia Roaches (Answered)

Asking questions before adding new food ensures your bearded dragons get safe, nutritious food, promoting health, growth, and a happy, active lifestyle.

However, when you see many bearded dragon owners opting for a new variety of food, it is natural to wonder if it is the right choice for your pet or not.

Just like most owners are now considering buying dubias for sale and feeding them to their pets. And if you are wondering whether to include it or not. There might be lots of questions in your mind, such as:

✔Is dubia roach safe for beardies?

✔How many roaches to feed to your pet?

✔What does it mean when roaches turn white? And many more.

So, here we will discuss seven questions that most owners ask with their answers.

1. Are Dubia Roaches Harmful to Bearded Dragons?

No, dubia roaches do not affect the health of bearded dragons. Instead, they area great source of protein, calcium, and many more essential nutrients that bearded dragons need.

Also, they are easier to digest because they have a soft exoskeleton.

Popular live feeder insect

Easier to digest

Soft exoskeleton

Provide nutrients such as protein and calcium

2. Can You Leave Roaches in Bearded Dragon’s Enclosure?

It is not recommended to leave roaches in your pet enclosure because of the following reasons:

✔Dubia roaches may nibble on your beardie while it sleeps

✔Leftover roaches can burrow into the substrate, making it hard to find  in the enclosure

✔Leftover roaches may lead to bacteria buildup and unclean habitat

✔If roaches are available, your pet will become a picky eater and eat less over time.

So, it is important to feed the roaches in a controlled portion and remove the unwanted ones after feeding.

3. How Many Dubias to Feed to a Bearded Dragon?

Bearded Dragon’s Life CycleNumber of Dubias Per Feeding
Hatchlings  10 to 20 small dubia roaches.
Juveniles10–15 medium-sized Dubia roaches.
Adults 3–5 large Dubia roaches.

NOTE: It is essential to consult with a veterinarian regarding your pet’s dietary needs.

4. Should You Remove Dead Dubia Roaches?  

Yes it is crucial to remove the dead dubias from the enclosure to avoid bacteria and mold build up.

5. What Temperature Kills Dubia Roaches?

             Dubia roaches thrive in temperatures between 75°F and 85°F. So, exposure to temperatures below 70°F or above 95°F can be fatal to them.

So, do not place any heating devices inside the enclosure. And remember that the dubias should not get in touch with something that is above 90℉.

6. What Does it Mean When a Dubia Roach Turns White?

The real reason why dubia roaches turn white is when they start molting. Molting is a process to help dubia roaches grow by shedding their old exoskeletons. This process occurs multiple times during their development.

So, after molting, a new soft exoskeleton appears, which is creamy white. After a few hours, the exoskeleton hardens up.

NOTE: When you find a molting roach, it is essential to minimize handling and stress.

7. Are Dubia Roaches Easier to Keep Alive than Crickets?

Yes, dubias are much easier to keep alive than crickets because of the following reasons:

✔Have a longer lifespan of approximately 2 years than crickets, which is nearly 2 weeks.

✔Low maintenance, quiet, and odor-free.

✔Offer a balanced calcium-to-phosphorus ratio.


Hopefully you have found out all the answers to your questions about dubia roaches. They are the best feeder insects for bearded dragons, providing essential nutrients while being easy to digest. However, it is important to take care of feeding practices to take care of your pet’s overall well-being. Also, make sure to remove the dead roaches from the enclosure to keep the habitat clean and hygienic. When compared to crickets, they are easier to maintain and care for and have a longer lifespan. So, keep your beardie healthy and thriving with dubia roaches.

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